Monumental Blunder
It is common for Indian politicians, cutting across political parties to splurge precious resources to build monuments to further their political careers at the cost of the hapless needy poor. ‘In the absence of affordable accommodation, the poorest of poor patients taking treatment at Tata Memorial Hospital in Parel, Mumbai have made the space under Hindmata bridge their home. The Hindmata flyover is almost like a post-operative ward of Tata Memorial,’ Mumbai Mirror reported prominently on 15 January, 2020. Tata Memorial, one of the largest cancer treatment institutes in India, gets 65,000 new cancer patients every year and another 4,50,000 for follow ups. As per Dr. Shripad Banavali, director, academics and professor of paediatric and medical oncology, Tata Memorial, over 80 percent of the hospital’s patients are from states other than Maharashtra and nearly all of them are poor. Dr. Banavali also said that with the support of various organizations and generous donors t...