Kanha Shanti Vanam- A Heart Centered Meditation Center


A Place to Live a Life with Purpose, Joy, and Positive Outlook

I am greatly indebted to my close friend and well-wisher, Dr. Nivedita Shreyans, Director- Public Relations, Pillai Group of Institutions, New Panvel, Maharashtra for being instrumental in my taking part in the 5 days ( 7 to 11 October, 2022) residential Faculty Development Programme (FDP) by the Heartful Campus. The FDP titled- “Nurturing Excellence through Self Exploration- Exploring all facets of sustainability in depth- Self to Universal” was an AICTE approved initiative of the Heartfulness Education Trust (HET). The FDP was conducted at Kanha Shanti Vanam, Global HQ of Heartfulness, near Hyderabad, Telangana.

Kanha Shanti Vanam spans over 1400 acres, on the outskirts of Hyderabad City. It is a Spiritual Rejuvenation Retreat Center and an integrated eco-friendly township. It is the world headquarters for the Heartfulness Institute, a global non-profit organization with its presence in over 160 countries across the globe. The core offering of Heartfulness is heart based meditation, which is free of charge. Kanha Shanti Vanam welcomes aspirants from all walks of life to experience the Heartfulness way of life.

Master Kamlesh Patel, also lovingly called as ‘Daaji’ is the fourth and the current Heartfulness Guide. Daaji offers a practical, experiential approach to the evolution of consciousness that is simple, easy to follow, and available to people of all ages and religions.


The great Indian sage, Patanjali, is believed to be an incarnation of the serpent ‘Anantha’. The name ‘Anantha’ means ‘the endless one’ and is another form of ‘Adisesha’, the thousand headed snake, the coiled serpent bed where the Lord Vishnu rests. Patanjali curated all the wisdom of the ancient Rishies and sages in his Yoga Sutras, a classical Yoga text dating back to 200 BCE- 200 CE.

Heartfulness is a heart-centered approach to living, is supported by Sahaj Marg practices. Heart is the center of our conscience and it guides each one of us at every moment. The roots of our thoughts and emotions lie in the heart; likewise, the state and condition of our heart determine our mental, emotional, and spiritual states. When the heart is clear, so is the mind. When the heart is at peace, the mind is at rest.

Sahaj Marg’s heartfulness practices have simplified the Yoga Sutras, so that ordinary people can transform their lives. Heartfulness is a way of living that result from the Sahaj Marg practices. Heartfulness takes the practitioner on a spiritual journey. As the practitioner proceeds, higher aspirations and personal goals continue to expand. As the mind becomes regulated, thinking, intellect and identity are refined. The abhyasi (practitioner) embarks upon a life of balance, excellence, simplicity and higher aspirations, towards loftier ideals / goals.

No qualifications or requirements are necessary to commence the Sahaj Marg practice. The only requirement is ones interest. There are no fees. Sahaj Marg practices are always free of charge. The Heartfulness Institute and the affiliated organizations run on donations and grants and are registered as charitable non-profit organizations. There are some special certifications and accredited programmes that are charged nominal fees to defray the costs and to facilitate reinvestment. For the last 75 years, the Heartfulness movement has been based on a gift ecology model, where volunteers offer their time, labour, and monetary donations with love. There is no compulsion to donate. It all depends on means and willingness.

Heartfulness offers four core practices, which anyone can learn and incorporate into one’s life at his / her own pace. They are:

1.      Relaxation – Useful for preparing the practitioner before meditation;

2.      Meditation;

3.      Cleaning- A process of removal of impressions: and

4.      Prayer – Done at the bedtime to connect with universal love and as a way of connecting to the Source before sleeping.

The practices of Sahaj Marg are unique, including ‘Pranahuti’ or ‘Yogic Transmission’ which elevates ones approach in a lively, dynamic and joyful way. The practices are evolved over the ancient tradition of ‘Raja Yoga.’ Shree Ram Chandra of Fatehgarh (popular as ‘Lalaji’ the Adiguru) rediscovered the forgotten method of the yogic transmission in the mid 20 th century, which is the most unique and vital feature of Heartfulness.

There are certified network of Heartfulness trainers and Preceptors in most of the cities / towns / areas to guide and mentor anyone through practice, clearing doubts and to provide ongoing support and hand-holding. There are Heartfulness centers in India and most countries around the world which are open to all who are interested to learn the practices and become a part of the community.


Though I have been an abhyasi since June 2015, my week-long stay at the Shanti Vanam helped me to undergo considerable inner transformation and self-realization. I had enough time to contemplate and identify lifestyle changes. I also had a wonderful opportunity to meet and interact with the motivated Preceptors and selfless committed volunteers, who once held high positions across reputed organizations. Now, I look forward to more such visits to Kanha Shanti Vanam, a blissful, serene spiritual retreat with a well planned lifestyle supported by eco-friendly modern infrastructure.

Some useful links:

1.      E mail- info@heartfulness.org, Website- www.heartfulness.org

2.      Heartfulness centers and trainers worldwide- https://heartspots.heartfulness.org/

3.      Online master classes- https://heartfulness.org/en/masterclass/


Dr. C K Sreedharan

Website – www.sreedharanck.com

Amazon Link – www.amazon/author/sreedharanck

Email- cksiyengar@gmail.com


  1. It covers succinctly all aspects pertaining to Kanha and rightly termed as Heaven on Earth. Had an great opportunity with be personally with the blogger. Wishing years of effective blogging.


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