‘Let food be thy medicine, and Medicine be thy food.’


Book – “Overcome Cancer through Lifestyle Reorientation: A book on cancer prevention and management

By – Sreedharan C K

“One mustn’t forget that recovery is brought about not by the physician, but by the sick man himself. He heals himself, by his own power, exactly as he walks by means of his own power, or eats, or thinks, breaths or sleeps”

This book is written by the cancer survivor. This book covers 13 major cancers that are widely prevalent, their symptoms, detection, treatment and possible prevention methods.

       The book presents various ways through which lifestyle can be reoriented to overcome and challenge the disease. This book also provides alternate approaches for cancer management.
In India there are many well researched and highly effective natural ways of treating the body through herbs, food, yoga, meditation, practicing mindfulness, creative visualization and other practices which are in tune and harmony with the nature as well as with the human body. There are foods and herbs that can strengthen the immune system, the body’s powerful self-defense mechanism against any disease, including cancer.

To beat cancer, a complete reorientation and management of lifestyle is required. This requires a mindset and commitment to properly harness the power of the nature which has really gifted us a disease free life. This is not impossible or difficult. The need of the hour is to learn how to live in harmony with the nature.

Top review from India


5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent life style book for all


      This book is an excellent guide for everyone in general and also specifically for persons who have cancer as well as for those who have high probability of getting the same. The author has explored all aspects of the life which impact our well being. There is detail on self defense mechanism of body, ideal food to eat, need for exercise and to live in harmony with nature. All these are correlated and condensed in single book. It is well presented with lot of research and is fact based. It is 100 percent worth for the time and investment on the book. Recommend strongly to everyone.


Available online on Amazon-

Free on Kindle Unlimited

E-Book - https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07HJ7JK1V 

Paperback - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1723930830

Website - www.sreedharanck.com

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