“Love Doesn’t Grow Over Time, But It Happens In An Instant”


Book - The Bonded Tribal – An Organic Love story

By – Sreedharan C K

To be nobody but yourself in a world

Which is doing its best, night and day,

To make you everybody else, means

To fight the hardest battle which any

Human being can fight; and never stop fighting


A story based on real life incidents

 “Surya is a tribal and his family is trapped in the dreaded bonded labour system. Surya’s father rebels against the system for which the family faces the wrath of the powerful landlords. A young Surya retaliates by murdering the landlords. After serving his sentence in a reform home, Surya develops passion for organic farming and actively works for tribal empowerment. Surya’s deep scar on his face scares many, but not the damsel Dr. Sanjana.

The chance meeting and the subsequent unexpected interactions result in blossoming of love between Surya and Sanjana. Dr. Gautam, a cosmetic plastic surgeon, is also attracted by Sanjana and is determined to marry her. Gautam is known for his expertise on body shaping of women and making them celebrities in the glamour industry. Sanjana yearns to marry Surya but her family favours Gautam.”

How this intriguing triangular love story will unfold?

Read the gripping love story - The Bonded Tribal- An organic love story.

From the bestselling author of Wind Beneath The Wings and The Voice of the Jungle: Sounds of Change, comes another gripping, suspenseful, thrilling love story.

Available online on Amazon

Free on Kindle Unlimited

E- Book – https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07T1RXN48

Paperback – https://www.amazon.com/dp/1074115228

Website – www.sreedharanck.com

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